Facial nerve tumor or Facial nerve Schwannoma is a rare slow-growing tumor – accounting for less than 1% of all temporal bone tumors. They are typically solitary, unilateral and sporadic in nature. The exact cause of either type of tumor is often unknown, but certain factors have been linked to their growth. Benign lumps in many cases are related to genetics, diet, stress, infection, and local injury or trauma. Facial tumor or facial nerve tumor is also known as Neoplasm that is an abnormal growth of tissue – serves no purpose or function in the body. Though not every will need surgery, some tumors (if left untreated) can cause serious health issues. Growth on the face affects appearance. Many people opt to have them removed. The process is relatively simple and fortunately the prognosis is generally excellent.

Facial Nerve Tumors Are either Benign or Malignant

Facial nerve tumors are either benign or malignant. The benign facial tumors can grow larger, but most are not particularly life-threatening or dangerous. Malignant growths are cancerous and can metastasize or spread to other parts of the body. The exact cause of either type of tumor is often unknown, but certain factors have been linked to the growth. The first one or benign lumps are related to genetics, diet, stress, infection and local injury or trauma. Not to mention the cancerous growth – believed to result from environmental toxins or chemical pollutants. In some cases, heredity or problems with the body’s immune system may also play a part in the cause of tumors.

Facial Nerve Tumor Treatment through Surgery or Medicines

Treatment for a facial nerve tumor is the most crucial procedure that is based on the tests and diagnosis procedure. It is also determined based on whether the growth is benign or malignant. There are different symptoms that include pain or hemorrhaging near the lump that can indicate a strong possibility that a tumor is cancerous; the only way to know for sure is to perform a biopsy.

Surgical methods are also applied for the treatment of facial nerve tumor – depending upon the size, location, and type of the tumor. Removal may involve the use of different surgical methods; while the tissue may be scraped away with a sharp surgical instrument in a process that is called as Curettage. In case of the growth deep under the skin, it may need surgical excision. The surgeons complete the procedure by cutting into the skin, removing the tumor, and close the wound with stitches. In some cases, cryosurgery is also used – the lump is frozen and killed with liquid nitrogen. It may be appropriate for some facial tumors.

Alpha Surgical Group is a leading name recommending the right treatment and surgical procedures for facial nerve tumor.


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