When it comes to care work Southampton services can provide the urgent support needed to respond to the considerable mental health impact during the COVID-19 crisis.

Heightened concerns

The current coronavirus pandemic is understandably creating widespread fear, anxiety, stress and worry, and the mental health toll of the crisis shouldn’t be underestimated.

These are unparalleled times worldwide that we never would have imagined experiencing during our lifetime. It’s perhaps unsurprising that the current situation can heighten pre-existing mental and behavioural conditions. There’s greater worry, fear, anger, irritation and anxiety, and changes to routine can be upsetting.

Restrictions can cut off individuals from their face-to-face support systems, friends and families, creating a greater sense of isolation and loneliness. The pandemic can also spark new mental health issues, given the prolonged state of anxiety, not to mention the possibility of facing the loss of loved ones, friends and acquaintances.

Problematic restrictions

There’s additional concern for those with learning disabilities, autism and other mental health problems who may be struggling as a result of the current restrictions. If those that need more support aren’t able to get it, or if they struggle with the new routines when it comes to leaving their homes or going to the supermarket, this can cause a great deal of disruption and exacerbate behavioural issues or depression.

Furthermore, they may not be getting the essentials they need for caring for themselves, including food, medicines and hygiene products. That, in turn, becomes a vicious cycle with emotional and practical implications.

If you’re looking for care work Southampton services where you need to provide urgent support to people with complex needs, autism or other mental health issues, be there. Remember support workers can make a vital difference to the lives of many during the COVID-19 outbreak, and more staff are needed help during this difficult time.

Viral Stigma

Those who have had the respiratory virus may feel a sense of stigma, as though they’re part of the problem. Someone who catches Covid-19 should be treated with compassion and it should be remembered that individuals with the virus or who have overcome it should not have their identities defined by it.

News overload

Constant connectivity and media overload can provoke distress. We can feel bombarded with depressing statistics and fear-inducing stories. Many may benefit from limiting their exposure to news sources and updates, perhaps to just a once-daily intake of the news and limited to reliable, factual sources.

Psychosocial Wellbeing

Those in isolation and particularly those with complex needs, autism or other mental health issues may find the social exclusion and lack of interpersonal connection particularly difficult. It’s important that adults and children alike find ways to express their feelings and share their concerns, and relaxation, regular exercise, sleep routines, and a balanced diet can all help in improving mental health. A familiar routine in daily life can also provide some structure and sense of comfort amidst the crisis.


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