In an IT application development platform, resilience refers to the ability of a system to continue fulfilling its mission despite extreme stress, which may cause disruption. Micro services are becoming more popular, and this has driven resilience into the spotlight owing to their complex & distributed nature, even minor failures can cascade.

The Resilience4J application is the usual Resilience pattern implemented in one of the libraries. In the following column, we will illustrate the circuit breaker by using a sample Java Spring Boot application. We will also showcase the implementation of the pattern by utilizing the Resilience4j library.


What is the function of a circuit breaker?

Using circuit breakers, we avoid wasting CPU cycles while we are working with services whose calls fail repeatedly.

An active circuit breaker consists of three states (OPEN, HALF-OPEN, CLOSED); these can all be altered at will. Circuit breakers are normally in the CLOSED state. It keeps track of communication failures between two systems when one system attempts to communicate with the other. A failure above the specified threshold results in the OPEN state. The downstream service does not receive any further requests.


Circuit breakers in HALF_OPEN states attempt to reconnect downstream after a specified delay. They switch into the CLOSED state if the failure rate is higher than a specific threshold. If not, it alters back to OPEN state.

What is a Spring Boot application?


Spring Boots are a micro-framework that is free and open-source, managed by an enterprise named Pivotal. Using Spring Boot can help a developer to create an application that runs instantly.

Implementation of Spring Boot with an example

We will look at a sample Spring Boot application that uses a Resilience4j Circuit Breaker. As part of the demo, we will fabricate a hypothetical delivery service, Gulliver, that has a web gateway, a micro service for restaurant details, and multiple micro services for ordering, delivering, and alerting your consumers. We will demonstrate the Circuit Breaker using the Restaurant Micro service and the Gateway rather than using multiple modules.

We will apply a scenario where a person requests a list of restaurants from the Gateway. Consequently, the gateway directs those requests to the Microservices for restaurants via route illustrations. In restaurants, the Microservice obtains a static list of restaurants which is returned by the controller, and has only one method displayed below:



public class RestaurantController { @GetMapping

public Flux<Restaurant> getRestaurants(){

return Flux.just(

new Restaurant(1l, “Providence”),

new Restaurant(2l, “KFC”),

new Restaurant(3l, “Lahiana Grill”),

new Restaurant(4l, “Gramercy Tavern”),

new Restaurant(5l,”Le Bernardin”)




The functionality of a circuit breaker is contained in the Gateway. A circuit breaker is enabled and monitored using Grafana and Prometheus. The following two dependencies were incorporated into the list of the build. gradle file.

implementation ‘’

A configuration class specifies a sliding window of twenty and a failure rate threshold of fifty on our circuit breaker. The circuit breaker goes to OPEN if fifty percent of the last twenty requests fail. Sixty seconds is also set as the time to wait before the circuit breaker switches to the HALF_OPEN state. The circuit breaker will switch to OPEN or CLOSED mode after five requests are in HALF_OPEN mode, which means after five requests it will switch back to OPEN state.


public class CircuitBreakerConfiguration {


public Customizer<ReactiveResilience4JCircuitBreakerFactory> defaultCustomizer() {

return factory -> factory.configureDefault(id -> new Resilience4JConfigBuilder(id)











The following configuration applies a restaurant-route illustration that contains links to the Restaurant Microservices and a fallback URI application. yaml file.






– id: restaurant-route

uri: http://localhost:9001/restaurants


– Path=/restaurants/**


– name: CircuitBreaker


name: restaurantCircuitBreaker

fallbackUri: forward:/restaurant-fallback

If the restaurant microservice is down, we add a configuration class to return an empty Mono as a response.

Using Grafana’s Resilience4j dashboard, we’ll demonstrate Circuit Breaker. Circuit breakers in each state are shown on this dashboard, as well as current rates of failures:

  • Initializing the system, we will request two microservices to run under a CLOSED state. The restaurant microservice updates the list of restaurants when the state is CLOSED.
  • After that, we will shut down the Restaurant Microservice and create requests with the Apache Benchmark tool. This state always results in a fallback empty result since the restaurant microservice isn’t available. As a result, our system becomes more resilient and efficient.
  • Within sixty seconds, we move to half-open mode.
  • Performing the microservice five more times will result in the restaurant being CLOSED again.

Using the Circuit Breaker pattern from Resilience4J, we demonstrated how to achieve a resilient system in this demo project. For more updates and expert assistance regarding handling several faults in inter-server communication, connect with the expert IT application development agency in the USA.


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