Top Tips for Holistic Living

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The subject matter in my tips may appear to be general knowledge and common sense, but outlining them here could provide a starting point to allow you to begin your journey for Holistic Living. You should be able to implement a lot of the tips within your everyday life, at home and in the workplace.

My Top Tips for Holistic Living cover the following:

* What is Holistic Living?
* Alternative and Complementary Therapies
* Positive Thinking – Will this change my life?
* What is meditation and how does it work?
* Working Environment & Home Life
* Your Posture – Helping Back, Neck & Shoulder Pain
* Diet & Nutrition
* Fitness & Exercise
* What is stress?
* The Bigger Picture – Putting it all together
These topics will be spread out over this month. If you would like further information take a look at the ASA Therapies website or please don’t hesitate to contact me via email.

Top Tips

What is Holistic Living?

The term Holistic is widely used within a range of business sectors, from massage therapy, diet and nutrition through to IT companies and solicitors. Holistic means emphasising on the whole rather than the individual parts.

So, what is Holistic living?

This is when the mind, body and soul all work in harmony allowing us to live a fulfilled and healthy life. The main prerogative of holistic living is to eliminate stress as much as possible. The way we think, the choices we make in life, the food we eat, and how much we exercise all play a key part.

Tips for holistic living…

· Try to maintain a balance diet i.e. calories, carbohydrates, protein, fat, vitamins and minerals
· Regular exercise. Can include walking the dog, visiting the gym, weight training at home, Yoga, Thai Chi etc.
· Mental well being. Try to keep a positive outlook on life, whether it’s your career, income level, the car you drive, the house you live in, the relationship with your partner, whatever it may be.
· Other factors to consider in holistic living includes the way we travel, social circles, environmental (going green), massage treatments, counselling and meditation

The other sections in my Top Tips go into more detail about some of the items listed above.

Alternative and Complementary Therapies

Over the last 10-15 years alternative and complementary therapies have become more available. A lot of this is due to positive effects they have on people and therefore more and more people have been trying it.

What is the difference between alternative and complementary therapies?

Alternative therapies are those which can be used to resolve / cure ailments instead of using conventional medicines or treatments that are offered by your GP or the NHS.

Some of the ailments could include muscular aches / pains, depression, anxiety, panic attacks, irritable bowl syndrome, insomnia, and also stress & tension which could be a result of any of the above. There are other ailments that can also be treated

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