Massages are pleasurable because they release endorphins, which are similar to those released from running. They can also feel good because the brain releases oxytocin, a natural chemical that relieves pain and has antidepressant properties. Massages can also make you feel good as a chemical reaction to human touch, close to how affectionate contact from friends or family makes you feel.

The High in Endorphins

The body reacts to the environment in a variety of ways! Endorphins are a natural reaction to something that is beneficial to the body. Endorphin rushes can be induced by adrenaline-pumping activities such as roller coasters or cliff diving, as well as fat-burning exercises such as running or swimming.

Muscles of knotty 

As protein and lactic acid build up in the muscles, it can cause pain due to a lack of blood flow. Massage helps to release the accumulation and improve blood flow, bringing oxygen to areas of the muscle that were previously deficient. You must checkout some amazing Spa deals in Dubai.

The Human Factor

Emotional well-being necessitates human touch. Endorphins are generated in a variety of ways, including hugs, handshakes, and even cuddling. Interpersonal interaction has been shown to relieve stress, boost mood, and support a healthy lifestyle. Massage is beneficial to both physical and emotional well-being!

You and Massage Therapy

Massage therapy is a rapidly expanding area, with more options for both the therapist and the client. It’s an exciting time to be in the world of massage, where you can choose from so many different types of massages and whether you want one at home or in a spa!



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