Removing a drain lid cover can be quite challenging, especially if you are dealing with an old metal drain cover that will not budge out of its place!

Your shower drain cover may require be taking out and cleaning due to the accumulation of hair, gunk and other materials clogging the drain.

Similarly, drain lid covers in other places like the basement, kitchen, your office place, or even the garage may require to be removed.

Here are some typical drain cover removal methods:

Screw-in type drain cover:
These drain covers resemble a flat or slightly concave strainer and need to be unscrewed using a flat head or Philip screwdriver.

Lifting and turning style drain lids:
Look for a set screw from the open position. If you cannot find any, simply turn it counterclockwise to remove it. If you locate a screw, turn it using a flathead until it is just loose enough to remove the stopper.

Pop up drain lids:
Pop up drain lid covers can be of two types – one that can be pulled straight up or ones that require you to be wiggled back and forth to be removed.

Flip style drain cover:
Flip style drain covers are the easiest of the lot to remove. They only need to be pulled free and do not require any tools. All you need to do is hold the body and remove it by rotating the lid as you pull.

But what if you cannot figure out how to remove the drain lid cover for homes to clean the drain? Here are some clever and simple methods to use:

• Pour boiling water
The easiest and most straightforward way to clean your drain without removing the drain lid is by pouring boiling water into the drain using a funnel type container. This can help you to break down the soap or grease to clear some blockage.

• Use Baking Soda and Vinegar
Another home remedy is using baking soda and vinegar. Do this by pouring a cup of baking soda followed by a cup of vinegar down the drain after waiting for a few minutes. Wait for a couple of hours, and then pour boiling water to clean it out.


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